The SWBio DTP is a BBSRC-funded structured PhD bioscience training programme, with CASE students required to complete a taught first year, a PIPS/CASE placement and attend DTP cohort activities. Training is supported by a multi-institutional partnership based mainly across the South West and Wales, including 6 universities, 3 research institutes and an industry partner.
This partnership trains students on a 4 year programme, designed to provide training in cutting edge world-class bioscience research skills, underpinned by training in numerical and systems based approaches. Beyond training through their research project, the DTP provides training in areas such as statistics, bioinformatics, understanding the impact of their research in society, business and industry, project management, alongside many opportunities for students to communicate and present their research to a diverse audience.
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The DTP spans a very broad range of disciplines across the biosciences. You can visit our current PhD projects to give you an overview of the types of disciplines that the DTP encompasses.
There are many opportunities by which you can work with us through the SWBio DTP. Please visit the relevant pages: