SWBio DTP expectations of students

The BBSRC-funded South West Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership (SWBio DTP) studentship you have been offered is part of a programme that trains postgraduate students in world-class bioscience across our core partners: universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter, together with Rothamsted Research, and our associate partners: Marine Biological Association (MBA), Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), SETsquared Bristol, Swansea University, UCB Pharma and the University of the West of England (UWE).

By accepting your offer of a SWBio DTP studentship, you agree to:

For Standard DTP studentships / Standard DTP studentships with associate partner:

  • undertake a placement as part of the Professional Internships for PhD Students (PIPS) This will require you to:
    • do your utmost to ensure the placement takes place in the second or third year of your studies.
    • complete your SWBio DTP PIPS report within 1 month of completing your PIPS.
    • abide by the requirements as described in the ‘Information for Students’ PIPS placement section on the SWBio DTP website.

For CASE DTP studentships:

  • undertake a CASE placement. This will require you to:
    • undertake a 3 month (minimum) placement with your CASE partner.
    • complete a SWBio DTP CASE report within 1 month following your last CASE placement.
    • abide by the requirements as described in the ‘Information for Students’ CASE placement section on the SWBio DTP website.
    • Note: If you have an affiliated CASE partner as part of your project, a PIPS placement is optional.  However, if you are an international student, due to visa compliance requirements, you will not be able to undertake an optional PIPS placement.

Please note, research across the SWBio DTP is diverse and addresses biological phenomena at a wide range of levels. You are expected to respect the differing research approaches and techniques used by colleagues and to behave in a considerate and professional manner at all times in your dealings with one another. Healthy debate of research approaches and outcomes is a normal part of research and is welcomed, however, such discussions should always be conducted with respect for colleagues, acknowledging the validity of the diversity of views and approaches that can be expected in a broad programme of this type.

This is the current version of the ‘SWBio DTP Expectations of Students’ and supersedes all other versions.  This document will be reviewed annually in January.