As a SWBio DTP student, there are many ways by which you can become actively involved with supporting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) both within the DTP, within your institution and externally. Below are some examples. This is not an exhaustive list and we would very much welcome any suggestions or ideas that you may have.
Within the SWBio DTP
Teaching focused on EDI: During your taught first year, there will be a teaching day dedicated to introducing you to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, creating an inclusive environment, understanding unconscious bias and how you can act as an EDI champion/alie. This will also provide you with an insight into the different organisations and schemes you can participate in within and outside of your institution.
EDI Student/Student Support Champions : We have a dedicated EDI champion within as part of our Student Representatives team. They are someone to go to discuss anything related to EDI. Our student EDI Champion can then raise student feedback as part of our DTP governance groups (which includes a dedicated EDI agenda item at each meeting) as well as our dedicated SWBio DTP EDI Group (EDIG). They are supported by our EDI Student support Champions and represent a number of our student communities in a more informal capacity, sharing their experiences and to provide a friendly ear.
Student bulletin, news article, Bluesky: Do let us know about upcoming activities, resources or articles that promote EDI within science that you think your colleagues may be interested in. We can then include in our monthly student bulletin and promote on Bluesky. Also, why not write an article or a blog for our DTP website.
Student feedback: Following all our events and teaching we ask for student feedback, in order to make improvements for future events and the programme. As part of this, do take the time to provide feedback on EDI considerations that you think needs to be taken into account/better supported. You could also include suggestions on how we can do this!
DTP Hub and local DTP Reps: As the DTP we are working towards supporting EDI at every opportunity, so if you see us around do feel free to stop and have a chat with us or just drop us an e-mail.
Within your institution
Please note that EDI offerings will vary across our partners, so not all of the below may be available at your institution/collaborating university.
Local EDI representatives/teams: There will be dedicated EDI representatives within your institutions, including both student and members of staff. To find out who’s who, we either suggest speaking with your local school/department in the first instance or visiting your institutional EDI team’s webpage. Through these EDI representatives, you will have the opportunity to feed into numerous committees. EDI teams will also exist whose role is to support and provide guidance to students and staff across different communities and backgrounds.
Student/staff networks: This may be available through your Student Unions, Doctoral Colleges or your staff support. These networks are designed to help build communities and provide representative bodies. Examples include BAME, disability and accessibility, LGBT+, international, mature students, parents and carers networks to name a few.
Societies: Like networks, there can be a number of societies available through your Student Unions, Doctoral Colleges or your staff support.
Peer mentoring schemes: Providing mentoring to others, to help them settle into their PhD. These mentoring schemes may involve being buddied up with individuals to support those from a similar background or community to yourself.
Widening participation/outreach events: Why not get involved with talking about science to the public and encourage those who may otherwise think completing a degree or PhD is not for them. For example, you could be a STEM Ambassador working with schools in your local area, or why not join in with Soapbox Science, aimed at promoting female scientists in the UK. To give you some ideas, why not visit our DTP public engagement webpage.
Supporting our diverse student cohort
To ensure students from all backgrounds and communities are able to get the best out of their student experience, and to create a supportive and inclusive environment, our institutions have a number of resources, networks and support teams in place. This includes support for:
- Student wellbeing
- Students with caring or childcare responsibilities
- Mature student
- Students with disabilities
- International students
- Minority Ethnic students
- LGBTQ+ students
Further information (including support we offer through the DTP) >>