SWBio DTP Equality, diversity and inclusion statement

The SWBio DTP is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) principles throughout all of our processes, from application through to completion of the PhD programme, via our students, supervisors and DTP governance groups. 

To promote EDI within the DTP we undertake the following:


  • Use procedures to promote and encourage excellent students from as wide and diverse a pool of candidates as possible;
  • Adhere to EDI principles throughout the recruitment process;
  • Raise awareness amongst all those involved with student recruitment (including potential supervisors, selection/interview panels) about the importance of EDI, and unconscious bias;
  • Require selection and interview panellists to have undertaken a course on EDI, and unconscious bias;
  • For all interview panels to have gender representation and to aim for ethnic diversity where possible;

DTP governance

  • Reflect diversity in the composition and operation of our DTP governance groups;
  • Include an EDI standing item in agendas of all DTP governance group meetings;
  • Formalised EDI Champions within the DTP and our Student Representatives Team - form our SWBio DTP EDI governance group;
  • Share and promote best practice across our partnership.


  • Accommodate reasonable flexibility within the training programme to address personal circumstances;
  • Aim to achieve a diverse range of speakers/trainers for DTP training activities;
  • To consider EDI when designing and implementing DTP training activities;
  • Train our student cohort on the principles of EDI as part of their taught first year;
  • Continue to explore innovative approaches for doctoral training to support students from a diverse range of backgrounds.

Advertising and monitoring

  • Promote EDI within all DTP advertising and marketing materials;
  • Monitor and review EDI metrics for the recruitment process and student cohorts, including displaying this data on our website.