Cohort events calendar

If dates have not yet been listed, the DTP Administrative Hub ( are still most likely to be able to provide you with some further information in the interim, to help you with planning your studies around the cohort activities.

Academic year 2024/2025

Activity Date Location Expectations of attendance
Institutional induction events – DTP + general PGR Sept-Nov (various) Institution Students about to start their first year (Y1)
Institutional DTP cohort events Sept-Nov (various) + Jan-June (various) Institution

Years 1-4

Optional but encouraged to attend.

Annual Student Conference 

Mon 7 October (day 1)

Tues 8 – Wed 9 October (days 2+3)

In person (Bristol)

Day 1: Students about to start their first year (Y1)

Day 2+3: Years 1-4

Thesis Boot Camp  Mon 31 March – Wed 2 April In person (Bristol) Final year students
Annual Careers Conference
May/June (2 days) In person (Bath)

Day 1+2: Years 1-4

All students are anticipated to attend both days.

Leaving event (cohort 2021) May/June In person (Bath) Final-year students
Student-led Retreat Wed 16-Fri 18 July In person (Penryn, Cornwall)

Years 2-3

Optional but encouraged to attend for Years 1+4

Project Management Training:

Launch Event

Refresher Session








Year 1

Optional but encouraged to attend for Years 2-4

Research Theme Activity:

Agriculture and the Environment

Animal Behaviour and in vivo Studies

Biophysical and Biomolecular Studies

TBC (1-2 days) In person (TBC)

Second and third year students who have listed this as their main Research Theme. 

Optional but encouraged for other students.