Resurrect Bio – R&D and/or Business Development Assistant – Ongoing


Name Resurrect Bio
Placement base location Scale Space, 58 Wood Lane, White City, London W12 7 RZ
Contact for enquiries Dr Cian Duggan
Contact details Email:
Placement job title R&D and/or Business Development Assistant
Potential start date 8 January 2024 (flexible)
Potential working pattern Daily work pattern: 9-5
Details of application method Expression of interest via online form, email Cian to notify of submission
Application closing date Ongoing
Overview of PIPS organisation

Resurrect Bio is a plant biotechnology start-up based in west London. We find ways of using gene editing to make crops resistant to disease.

We’re a spin-out of The Sainsbury Lab Norwich, a world class research institute focussing on molecular plant microbe interactions. We’ve raised two investment rounds, with the most recent one exceeding £1.6M of venture capital investment. We’ve won two Innovate UK research grants and are currently developing products to protect soybean against the worlds top threats – a disease called soybean rust and a pest called soybean cyst nematode.

We’re based at the Imperial College Incubator in Scale Space White City. It’s a building and community of many high-growth start-ups trying to solve the worlds’ biggest problems.

Placement offered

To assist with the R&D of our gene editing solutions for soy or the other crops we’re working on. This would be wet lab based, but there’s also opportunities to work with our computational biologist.

To assist with our business development; learn how a start-up business works; learn about fundraising and project management.

Person specification

Ambitious individual interested in seeing what industry or start-up life is like to see if they would like to join as a future job.

Useful wet-lab skills would be molecular biology, cloning, genomics and handling plant pathogens.

An interest in business would also be useful for some placement types.

Financial contribution/benefit(s)