Anna Tiley attended the 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG) in Seville, Spain
ECFG12 poster winners (Anna in pink trousers, RH side)
At the end of March, Anna attended the 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG) in Seville, Spain. The conference covered a board range of topics on fungal genetics including fungal developmental biology, fungi as plant pathogens and how fungi sense the environment.
Anna said “From these topics I particularly enjoyed the talks on fugal development as these were closely related to my PhD topic, and therefore gave some me some exciting ideas for future experiments
One of the main conference highlights were the poster sessions where around 500 delegates presented their research. This was my first time presenting a poster at an international conference so I was particularly delighted when I was awarded one of the prizes by PLOS Genetics.