Sarah Jose is one of the Cabot Institute Press Gang reps, a group set up to produce press releases on Biology and Earth Sciences related topics

The Cabot Press Gang has been set up to help advertise the work of the Cabot Institute to the national and international press.
Boo Lewis, Dan Jue Lan and Sarah are the representatives from the Biological Sciences department and are happy to take your stories to the meetings that are held regularly.
The Cabot Institute is interested in any research regarding climate change, food security, natural hazards and our impact on the environment.
If you have any research stories likely to break in the near future (papers faring well in review, papers in press) please email Sarah the title of the research and a 1 or 2 sentence summary of the main implications of the research.
The Cabot Institute are always on the look out for Press Gang members. Contact if you would like to get involved or need help with getting your research published in the national press.